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Q: What does Mary warren tell the court in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?
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What is Mary Warren to do on Elizabeth's behalf?

The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller about the Salem witch trials. In this play, Mary Warren is brought into court to testify on the behalf of Elizabeth Proctor during the third act.

In The Crucible by Arthur Miller what does the court do with John Proctor?

They question him. Eventually he is condemned to hang, but not in the scene.

Who is the antagonist in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Abigail Williams, Judge Cheever, and Reverend Paris in court.

What are the perversions of the court in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

The girls, and others, are using legal proceedings to settle private scores.

Where does act 3 take place in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Act three mainly takes place in the court house.

What is Proctor willing to do at the end of Act 2 in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Go to Salem and tell the court Abigale said that it were all sport.

What secret does John openly admit to Danforth in the book The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

His affair with Abigial because he knew she would bring it up in court anyways.

In the crucible why has Mary warren disobeyed her employers and gone to Salem?

Mary Warren disobeys her employers and goes to Salem because she has become an official of the court. The character of Mary Warren is from The Crucible.

Where did Arthur Miller acquire the material to write The Crucible?

Arthur Miller was inspired to write "The Crucible" after reading about the Salem witch trials in various historical documents, including court transcripts, personal accounts, and historical texts. He visited Salem, Massachusetts to further research the events and gain a deeper understanding of the time period.

Why is giles accused of contempt of court in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

He gives evidence against Putnum saying he only wants land. Giles will not give the name of the man who told him this

What does Proctor admit to Reverend Hale about Abigail in Act 2 of The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

John Proctor reveals about his affair with Abigail in open court. He reveals it because in court Abigail calls God, and Proctor accuses her of being a woman who sleeps around and tells the court they had an affair.

How does Giles Corey's eccentric and earthy dialogue provides comic relief in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Giles's bragging about going to court dozens of times and his use of the word "fart" in court offers a little comic relief.