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Mr. Utterson is described as a lawyer in his late 50s, with a rugged appearance, a formal manner, and a reserved disposition. He is said to have a kind face and a thoughtful expression.

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Mr Utterson worked in which of these areas?

Mr. Utterson worked as a lawyer in London.

What is the first name of Mr Utterson?

The first name of Mr. Utterson in Robert Louis Stevenson's novella "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" is Henry.

What did Mr Utterson conclude had happened to Dr. Jekyll?

mr utterson thought that dr jekyll had been murdered

Why did the police contact Mr Utterson following the death of Sir Dancers Carew?

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What story do Mr Utterson and Mr Enfield share?

the honorific "Mr."

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What word torments Mr Utterson in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

The word tormenting Mr. Utterson in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is "hypocrite," which is written in Dr. Jekyll's will, causing Utterson to struggle with understanding the dual nature of human beings.

What does utterson do immediately after mr.enfieldstory?

Mr. Utterson immediately seeks additional details from Mr. Enfield about the strange story he just heard concerning Mr. Hyde's behavior. Utterson is keen to investigate further due to his curiosity and concern for his friend Dr. Jekyll.

Who is mr uttersons clerk?

Mr. Utterson's clerk is named Mr. Guest. He is a reliable and diligent assistant who helps Mr. Utterson with his legal work and is described as being a modest and unobtrusive individual.

Who narrates the book of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

The book "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is narrated by Mr. Utterson, a lawyer and friend of Dr. Jekyll. Throughout the novel, Mr. Utterson investigates the mysterious and disturbing behavior of Mr. Hyde, leading to the unraveling of the connection between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

How did mr utterson know that Dr. Jekyll was lying?

Mr. Utterson suspected Dr. Jekyll was lying based on inconsistencies in his behavior and the mysterious relationship between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Through his investigations, Mr. Utterson uncovered the truth about their connection and Dr. Jekyll's secret experiments.

What was the setting for the first meeting between Mr Hyde and Mr Utterson?

The meeting with Mr. Utterson was in the street in front of Mr. Hyde's home