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Q: What does Na plus represent Select all that apply. a positively charged sodium ion a sodium ion that has lost an electron a negatively charge sodium ion a sodium ion that has gained an electron a neut?
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What are subatomic particle will attracted by a positively charged object?

Protons and electrons but strong forces keep them apart

What happens when a positively charged electron becomes neutral?

Electrons are negatively charged. They cannot be positively charged or neutral.

Is electron donor positively charged or negatively?

An electron is a negative fundamental particle.

What describes and atom?

A negatively charged electron cloud surrounding a positively charged nucleus. Reason: The nucleus contains positively charged protons and neutral neutrons. The positive nucleus is surrounded by a negatively charged electron cloud.

How does objects become positively and negatively charged?

By loosing and gaining an electron.

Do electrons have a Negative Charge or a positive charge?

They are ALWAYS negatively charged. If positively charged it would be a positron and not an electron.

Is electron positively or negatively charged?

Electrons are negatively charged. Each atom has at leastone electron, depending upon which element it is. Furthermore, protons are positively charged and determine the identity of the element. Neutrons are neutrally charged.

Is a negatively charged particle the same as a neutral particle?

No, a negatively charged particle (electron) has a negative charge associated with it. A neutral particle (neutron) is neither negatively charged nor positively charged.

What is the charge of the 3 subatomic particles are?

Neutron is neutral. Proton is positively charged. Electron is negatively charged.

What subatomic particle has a electrical charge?

In the atom proton is positively charged and the electron is negatively charged.

Describe 3 stable subatomic particles?

Proton which is positively charged, Electron negatively charged, and neutron which is neutral.

What is an extremely small particle of matter with no electrical charge?

a neutron, a proton is positively charged and an electron is negatively charged :)