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Charybdis was a inescapable whirlpool which was probably the goddess of the tides, with her triple drawing-expulsion, mentioned by Homer, representing the three high-low tides of the day. Aristotle also clearly identified her with the tides.

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Odysseus compares Charybdis to a large fig tree that a man has chopped but left the stump standing.

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What did Charybdis do to Odysseus?

The Charybdis is a giant whirlpool that lives under an enormous fig tree. It tried to suck in Odysseus's ship.

Why does Odysseus choose to sail toward Scylla as opposed to Charybdis?

Odysseus chooses to pass by Scylla because, Scylla will only kill 6 men, one for each head. Charybdis will sink the ship, killing everyone. Circe has also advised Odysseus to do choose Scylla. Further, Charybdis is a visible danger, and Odysseus uses Charybdis to encourage his men to pass by quickly. Finally, passing by Scylla and Charybdis is given as the only way for Odysseus to get home from where he is.

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How did Odysseus survives Charybdis?

so that he can die

What was Odysseus for charybdis?

Well Odysseus was a Greek explorer and Charybdis was a seamonster that sucked ships up at the entrance to the sea of monsters - You need to ask the question more clearly.

How does Odysseus escape Charybdis the second time?

He never fought charybdis. He had a choice to pass by scyllia or charybdis and chose scyllia. He never had to fight them a second time

Did Odysseus choose Scylla or Charybdis?

Odysseus chose Scylla, and lost 6 men to her arms.

What three perils does Circe warn Odysseus about?

Circe warns Odysseus about the Sirens, Charybdis, and Skylla.

What two dangers did Odysseus sail between?

scylla and charybdis

Who are the two sea monsters that Odysseus meets?

Scylla And Charybdis

What is the danger of charybdis?

The danger of Charybdis was that it tried to destroy the ship at sea. It was a large and vicious sea monster that tried to kill Odysseus.