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Odysseus makes up a story about himself being from Crete. He spins a story of meeting Odysseus before the war, and hearing about him after the war from the Thesprotians, where he is still alive, but preparing to What_does_Odysseus_tell_Penelope_when_he_is_disguised_as_a_beggarhome. He further describes himself 20 years ago to such detail that Penelope has no doubt that he has actually met Odysseus.

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Odysseus tells Penelope that he is a friend of her husband who is held captive by Calypso on the island of Ogygia. He mentions that he is a warrior from Ithaca, and that he has been trying to find his way home for many years.

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13y ago

Since Odysseus was married to Penelope, he told her many things.

Note: You may want a more specific event -> more specific answer. See related questions.

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Why does Homer have Odysseus kill the suitors before he reveals himself to Penelope?

Only Homer himself could answer, but he is not around to tell us.

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The prediction Odysseus gives to Penelope and that Odyessus (which is himself but disguised as a beggar) will return

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Penelope asks the beggar for information about Odysseus without realizing she is speaking to Odysseus himself!

Why does Odysseus hide his identity from his wife Penelope?

Odysseus wishes to test Penelope's faithfulness. Furthermore, by remaining hidden from Penelope, he can take care of his business with the suitors, and reveal himself when he is ready. Odysseus wishes to come back to Penelope a man, having dealt with all the problems in their house first.

What kingdom does Penelope and Odysseus rule in the Odyssey?

idk man tell me

What does the interaction between Odysseus and Penelope tell you about their relationship?

Their interaction when Odysseus returns home is more or less shows Penelope's faithfulness and how well they know each other.

What were some of Penelope's cunning plans in the odyssey?

1. (XXI.85-) When Penelope sets out the axes and challenges the suitors to archery, knowing only Odysseus will be able to shoot it. 2. (XXIII.197-202) Penelope commands Eurycleia to move the unmovable bed (that Odysseus himself built) so that Odysseus (before Penelope believes it to be him) will have sleeping accomodations. Odysseus then opposes that idea, claiming that the bed cannot be moved, convincing Penelope that it truly is Odysseus. Only Odysseus, Penelope, and Eurycleia know about the bed being unmovable.

What did Odysseus tell Penelope about the contest?

Dont delay the contest any longer

What help does Athena give Odysseus as he prepares for Penelope's question about his identity?

Athena helps Odysseus disguise himself before he reveals himself to Penelope, so that he can observe her interaction with the suitors. She also helps him defeat and kill Penelope's suitors before he plans to meet his wife and answer her questions about his identity.

Who is Odysseus' wife?

Odysseus' wife was Penelope, daughter of Icarius and Periboea.

Who is eurynome in Odysseus par 2?

he is the housekeeper for penelope and penelope is odysseus wife and odysseus is the king of ithleca