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The 'PG' of Lanoxin-PG stands for 'Paediatric and Geriatric'. See Related Links.

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Q: What does PG in Lanoxin-PG means?
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What is pg an abbreviation for?

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In the USA it's pg-13 but in Canada that means it's PG

Why is Airplane rated PG?

It was rated PG because it was a Family movie. When watching the film, I felt it would be good for a family. Basically PG is another word for Family movie. Actually, that's not what the rating means. PG means parental guidence suggested, which means there are things in the movie which may not be appropriate for children.

Is there such movie rate as PG-9?

There is no such thing a PG-9, there is G, PG, Pg-13, and R. So therefore there is no such thing as PG-9. There is no such thing a PG-9, there is G, PG, Pg-13, and R. So therefore there is no such thing as PG-9.

What does PG certificate means?

parental guidance

What does PG mean in movie or cinema talk?

PG means Parental Guidence which means it has some stuff in it that before watching need to ask your parents.

How old to watch a pg on your own at the cinema?

PG means parental guidance and it is 8 years old.

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No It means Password Guess..

Dose pg mean to ask the parent or something eles?

I'm sure PG means you have to have the parent with you while you watch it.

Is it appropriate for a 7 yr old to watch new moon since its rated pg 13?

The "PG" means Parental Guidance meaning that if the parents need to decide if its suitable. The "13" means the PG advisory is saying it may not be suitable for younger children (12 and under)

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between PG and M in Australia

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24 carats in pure gold!