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Q: What does Pocahontas think John Smith mean when he says Gold?
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What was there between John Smith and Pocahontas?

After Pocahontas saved John, they became friends. I don't think that they were lovers. Pocahontas may have had a little crush because she was 12 and he was an adult.

What did Pocahontas do with John Smith?

John Smith didn't do anything to Pocahontas. He married a girl named Callamatta.

Who saved John Smith's life?


Who was Pocahontas' husband?

John Rolfe was the husband of Pocahontas, not John Smith.

How did Pocahontas rescued john smith?

Pocahontas saved John Smith's by putting her head on hid head when he was about to be exacuted

Did Pocahontas love John Smith?

No, but liked him as a friend she loved John Rolfe

Who did Pocahontas married?

Pocahontas was engaged to Kocoum, but married John Rolfe.

What actors and actresses appeared in Pocahontas and John Smith - 1924?

The cast of Pocahontas and John Smith - 1924 includes: Monte Brice Lola Todd as Pocahontas

How did john smith get saved by Pocahontas?

I read that John Smith was adopted by Powhatan. Then he and Pocahontas became friends.

Who was Pocahontas married to?

Pocahontas was married to John Rolfe, NOT John Smith, whom she saved.

Why did Pocahontas's father almost kill john smith?

Pocahontas's dad Powhatan wanted to kill Pocahontas, because John Smith kept on bring other people from England to America and invaded their land. Pocahontas put her head on John Smith so Powhatan did not kill them both John Smith and Pocahontas: the beautiful, the most favorite, princess, etc.