

What does Que onda Viejito Todo bien por ahi mean?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Translation: What's up old man? How's everything over there?

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Q: What does Que onda Viejito Todo bien por ahi mean?
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Que tal does not mean what's up. Que tal is an expression used that is most similar to "how's it going" in English. The correct response is "bien" - "bien, gracias" - "bien, y tu?". If you want to say "what's up" you would use "que pasa" or "que onda" (que onda is a Mexican expression).

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Assuming you mean "cool" in the sense of "nice" or "interesting". (Él) es agradable. (Él) es a todo dar. (Él) es buena onda. If you mean "cool" as indicative of temperature. (Él) tiene frio.

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Ke onda should be spelled Que onda but is a form of a slaing as if you would say Wut's up instead of What are you up to? But they all mean the same thing which it's What are you up to? And Ke = Que From Newyorkminute1: Que onda? means how are the waves as in vibes, and Que haces? means What are you doing or making?, and o Que? means or what so.. you have What's up. what are you doing, or what?

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