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he takes it himself, to commit suicide because he thought juliette was dead

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He plans to go to Juliet's tomb and then drink it so he can die looking at the corpse of his wife.

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Q: What does Romeo plan to do with the poison in Romeo and Juliet?
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What plan does Romeo did when he learns of Juliet's death?

When Romeo learns of Juliet's death, he decides to purchase a deadly poison so he can join Juliet in death. He plans to go to Juliet's tomb, take the poison, and die next to her.

What plan does Romeo make when he hears that Juliet is dead?

He decides to buy poison, then go to the tomb and poison himself after being with her corpse. Which is what he does.

What weapons did Romeo and Juliet die with?

Romeo kills himself with poison bought from the apothecary and Juliet stabs herself with Romeo's dagger.

What does Romeo plan to do in act 5 scene 3?

To poison himself and die next to Juliet. He succeeds.

In romeo and Juliet romeo poisons himself?

In Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," Romeo takes poison because he believes Juliet is dead. He does this out of grief and love for her, wanting to be with her in death. This tragic act ultimately leads to both Romeo and Juliet's demise.

Is romeo dead?

Yes, at the end of Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," Romeo dies by consuming poison after falsely believing Juliet is dead.

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How and where does Romeo commit sucide?

Romeo drinks a poison from friar Lawrence when he saw/ thought his Juliet was dead. Romeo had just drank the poison and died when Juliet woke up from the potion that made her seem dead. Juliet could not stand to be alive without Romeo so tried to drink the poison too, but there was none left so she stabbed herself with Romeo's dagger

What went wrong with the friars plan?

the letter that he was so post to send to romeo didn't get to him,and so romeo really thought Juliet was died bought a poison and drank it.then Juliet woke up saw that romeo was dead and stabbed herself with his dagger.

How does Juliet?

A series of disastrous events lead to Romeo and Juliet's deaths. Juliet died by stabbing herself after Romeo drank poison.

What death did Romeo and Juliet suffer?

romeo died from drinking poison and Juliet died from stabbing herself in chest

How does Romeo kill himself in the play Romeo and Juliet?

He drinks poison, in Juliet tomb to "die with her", thinking Juliet was really dead. And Juliet stabbs herself when she see Romeo dead.