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"It worth the trouble to dream"

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Q: What does Se vale sonar mean in English?
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Is there a tv show called se vale sonar and who hosts it?

The show is real it is hsoted by Veronica Velasco, TV Azteca. I was one of the guest. Cheers

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what does no se pa'pa mean in english

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How are you

What does Sac pa se mean in English?

"Sac pa se" is a common Haitian Creole expression that translates to "What's up" or "What's going on" in English. It is often used as a casual greeting or as a way to check in with someone.

What does no se mean in english?

It means 'I do not know'.

What does se pasa mean in English?

it passes

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where is

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'se marier avec ' is 'to get married with ' in English.

What does se buscan mean you English?

Se buscan means "Wanted" or "In search of"

What does ahora si se ve mean in English?

Si se ve

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