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Q: What does Siddhartha inner voice say?
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What does Siddhartha's inner voice tell him about the river?

it tells him that a meaningfull life is the one that have peace, where one'spirit flows in harmony

In Siddhartha what is the dream of the songbird?

One quite popular explanation is that the songbird represents Siddharthas inner voice, or his soul. it is bound to the worldly aspects of his life, thus the bird is kept in a cage. as Siddhartha decides to leave the city, where he didn't find his enlightenment but instead fell for physical love and gambling, Kamala, his lover, frees the bird, which is a symbol for the re-found freedom of Siddhartha.

In the last four pages of the son and the entire last two chapters of the book list the stages through which Siddhartha so goes through and explain specifically how he copes with each stage?

Siddhartha goes through the stages of awakening, self-realization, inner peace, and enlightenment. During each stage, he copes by seeking knowledge through experiences, embracing solitude and self-reflection, detaching himself from worldly desires and attachments, and ultimately achieving a state of inner harmony and spiritual enlightenment by following his inner voice and intuition.

What do you call your inner voice?

Your conscience!

What did Siddhartha gautama find?

he found enlightment, which let him to nirvania and inner happiness free of suffering, evil and all problems.

Who are the flat and round characters in Siddhartha?

In "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha himself is a round character because he undergoes significant inner transformation and growth throughout the story. Characters like Govinda or Kamala are considered flat characters because they primarily serve a single purpose in the narrative and do not experience much development.

What was the nature of Siddhartha's dissatisfaction?

Siddhartha was dissatisfied with the Brahim's efforts to experience Nirvana. There is no change in their methods, and each attempt ends in failure. He believed the God, Atman resides inside man and the only way to experience oneness with him is to focus on the Inner Self.

Do you say whisper in a voice or with a voice?

In a whisper voice.

What is the main belief of Buddhist that Siddhartha Gautama learned?

Siddhartha did not believe. He came to *know* -- through the direct experience of the inner world he gained by meditating. What did he come to know? The state of consciousness referred to as "enlightenment." Of course, this word means nothing to a person who has not meditated herself.

What does the intro to The Voice say?

the voice

How do you say voice in Portuguese?

You say "voz", with the pronunciation of voice, without the i.

What does Inner Sakura's forehead say?

it says inner sakura