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In chapter one of "Lord of the Flies," Simon is portrayed as a quiet and introspective character who often sees things in a different light compared to the other boys. He is viewed as kind and sensitive, with a sense of morality and compassion that sets him apart from the more aggressive and power-hungry boys on the island. Simon likely sees himself as someone who embodies these qualities but may also feel isolated or misunderstood by his peers.

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Q: What does Simon think of himself in chapter one of lord of flies?
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Lord of the Flies in which chapter is Simon's place mentioned?

Simon is the Christ-figure in Lord of the Flies. He disappears to private clearings in the island to appreciate and commune with nature. Later in the novel, he goes alone to the top of the mountain to investigate the parachuter. After his death, his body is surrounded by a glowing halo of sea life and drifts away.

Chapter 7Why does Simon set off by himself in lord of the flies?

Simon is rational enough not to believe in a "monster" he therefore decides to find out what "the beast" actually is. Eventually he realises that "the beast" is not a monster or an animal but a primal force within each and everyone of us. I think the story also points to the fact that Simon is a suffer of epilepsy and I think that at this point in the story he is aware that he is about to have an attack and seeks a place to be alone.

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In Chapter 9 of "Lord of the Flies", Simon has a confrontation with the Lord of the Flies, which symbolizes the evil within the boys. He realizes the truth about the "beast" and tries to share it with the others, but they mistake him for the beast itself and kill him in a frenzy. This chapter highlights the increasing savagery and breakdown of civilization among the boys on the island.

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At the end of chapter three it is revealed that Simon goes alone to a 'secret place' in the jungle.

Where do jack and Ralph assume Simon is in chapter 3?

They think he's in the bathing-pool.

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How do the others view Simon in lord of the flies?

they think he is 'batty' and 'cracked'. They don't understand the superior knowledge of Simon

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i think chapter.10 scent

Can Simon see Jace in chapter 8 of City of Bones?

no.... At least, i don't think so

Did Jack really think that Simon was the beast in Lord of the Flies?

No, Jack did not believe that Simon was the beast in "Lord of the Flies." He mistook Simon for the beast during a frenzied dance in the forest, but later realized his mistake and Simon's true identity.

What do you think Simon actually sees and talks to?

In "Lord of the Flies," Simon's conversation with the Lord of the Flies presents two possibilities. He may be hallucinating and the words he attributes to the beast, are actually his own subconscious thoughts. On the other hand, Simon may have actually witnessed a supernatural manifestation.

How does Piggy view himself in Lord of the flies?

All of the boys where sitting next to the fire at night with lightning and the darkness surrounding them. When Simon reveals himself, they all contribute in murdering him, because they think that it is the beast. During the killing, they all realize that it is Simon and not the beast that the boys are killing. Ralph and Piggy do not accumulate with the truth, that they have become savage and had killed another person. Therefore resulting in the denial of both characters that it is their fault, and it is Simon's fault to present himself the way he did.