

What is UL in HTML?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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8y ago

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The UL tag is the opening tag that creates an unordered list. An unordered list has items with different bullets before them, rather than being numbered or having letters before them. The LI tag is a list item. The following is a simple example of an unordered list.


<li> First item

<li> Second item

<li> Third item


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it means unordered list. it just makes the text bulleted.

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For example &lt;ul&gt;List &lt;li&gt;point 1 &lt;li&gt;point 2 &lt;/ul&gt;

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UL stands for un-ordered list in HTML. The various elements can be said as List Items i.e. LI.

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this is for 2 simple cheakboxes number 1 number 2The "Type="cheakbox" is the important thing that changes the input into a boxHopefally i helped :D

How do you remove the whitespaces above and below the list items that come when we create a UL in HTML?

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