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HOW CAN ZAMBIAN ECONOMISTS LEARN FROM FISCAL CLIFF November 20, 2012 | Filed under: Business | Posted by: admin

WHAT CAN ZAMBIAN ECONOMIST LEARN FROM FISCAL CLIFF - USAYou're probably hearing a lot about this "fiscal cliff" thing nowadays. But unless you live in DC, work on Wall Street, or sleep with a copy of Pete Peterson's autobiography tucked under your pillow, it's possible that you have no idea why everyone is freaking out.

Luckily, your ignorance can be cured. By learning some rudimentary facts about the fiscal cliff, you'll be able to pontificate on today's political and economic landscape like a pro, and you'll have ammo to impress your friends at cocktail parties between now and the New Year.

WHAT IS FISCAL CLIFF?It's fiscal. As in, relating to government finances.

Well, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke coined the term "fiscal cliff" last February. And it caught on, despite the fact that it doesn't do a very good job of explaining the potential consequences of a failure to reach a deal. After all, the spending cuts and tax changes that would kick in on January 1 wouldn't destroy the economy overnight. They would kick in slowly, and intensify over the course of months. So people are saying that, instead of evoking terror with the name "fiscal cliff," we should call it the "fiscal slope" or the "fiscal obstacle course."

President George W. Bush signed a massive round of tax cuts. The tax cuts were supposed to expire ten years later, in 2011. President Obama later extended the expiration date to January 1, 2013. After that, your rates will go back up to the rates you paid in 2001. A bunch of other tax changes, like the expiration of a "payroll tax holiday" and the elimination of some tax credits, will also hit on January 1, meaning that no matter how much you pay now, you'll probably pay more after the new year unless there's a deal.

A lot of Republicans think any tax hikes are evil and fascist and anti-growth. And Democrats, led by President Obama, have promised to increase taxes on the wealthy to help close the deficit, while keeping the rates paid by the middle class more or less where they are. So basically, you have plenty of room to hate just about anyone you like.

Well, the other major part of the fiscal cliff is the implementation of the sequester. The sequester is a fancy word for a set of deep spending cuts that will kick in automatically in January if there's no deal. These cuts were dreamed up in 2011, when the Budget Control Act was passed, to motivate Democrats and Republicans to work together on a compromise for reducing the deficit by making them scared of what would happen if they didn't.

THE QUESTION is how can Zambia reduce its deficit? This is the time Zambian economists should pay attention, watch every activity the Obama government is doing. Well, I know that the economies are different but certain information can help Zambia. Its time Zambia reduces its debt and manage the economy better

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