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Q: What does Zeus represent in Greek culture?
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What was the Greek god Zeus' culture?

He was a character from Greek mythology.

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What does Greek god Zeus represent?

He is the God of Lighting..

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Why was Zeus needed as a god in the Greek culture?

Well, Greek mythology states that Zeus created all Greek Gods. So, I'd say that Zeus is needed in order to keep confusion from reaching the Greek/Roman human minds.

Why do we have a Olympic flame and what does it mean?

its a Greek symbol to represent Zeus and the flame that never went out

Is Aquarius the son of Zeus?

There is no Greek mythological figure by the name of Aquarius. The constellation is supposed to represent Ganymede, who was not Zeus's son, but a Trojan prince abducted by Zeus to be the god's cupbearer and lover.

What did the Greek god Apollo represent?

Knowledge and culture. He was also a sun god.

How is Zeus used in modern art?

Zeus the Almighty according to Greek culture is being use to draw its image on pot or different articles by listening its depict

Why are Greek gods important to Greek culture?

They were the sources of answer for things like "why is there lightning" Answer Zeus was throwing it They knew no other gods and yes, they were a superstitous lot

What is the story behind Zeus' name?

Zeus hmmm Zeus is a greek god a greek legend and a hero a greek king and he has a son called hhhhhheeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrccccccccccccccuuuuuuuulllllllllleeeeeeeeesssssss Zeus hmmm Zeus is a greek god a greek legend and a hero a greek king and he has a son called hhhhhheeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrccccccccccccccuuuuuuuulllllllllleeeeeeeeesssssss

Why did Zeus put stars in the heavens?

zues put stars in heaven to represent memorials forthe greek gods and godesses