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Q: What does a 4 year old child do 437 times a day?
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What does a four year old child do 437 times a day?

Say "Why?" or call out "Mum!"

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How much milk should a child have each day?

i think that a child should have 2 times a day.

Should parents spend one full school day with their child every year?

Often times they spend an equal amount with their parents

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Which thing come once in a year and four times a day?

If it comes four times a day then it would come 1460 times a year.

When is middle child day?

In the United States, National Middle Child Day is celebrated on August 12 each year.

When is national child's day?

In the United States, National Middle Child Day is celebrated on August 12 each year.

How often does a child laugh?

at least 10 times a day

What is the thing which comes once in a year four times in an average day?

A is found once in a "yeAr" and 4 times in "An AverAge dAy."

When is National Middle Child Day?

In the United States, National Middle Child Day is celebrated on August 12 each year.

How much protein should a child have in a day?

you should drink milk 3 times a day