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A California Sea Lion's fur feels smooth when it's wet. But when it is dry, it feels like a boxer (the dog breed).

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Q: What does a California sea lion feel like?
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Related questions

When was California sea lion created?

California sea lion was created in 1828.

What does a sea lion feel like?

I Think I've felt A California Sea Lion It Has Hairy Skin they feel Alittle Bit Furry.And There Flippers Feels Smooth And Rubbery

How does California sea lion defend itself?

A California sea lion protects its self by hitting the predator with its tall.

In what habitat does a California sea lion live?

CALIFORNIA sea lions live in CALIFORNIA!

How did the California sea lion get its name?

they were born in california?

What makes the California sea lion special?

sea lion's are a special part of america

Who is a friend to sea lions?

Humans - The California sea lion is the sea lion seen in animal shows and circuses.

Do California sea lion live in groups?

California sea lions do live in groups.

How fast can a lion travel?

Sea lions can swim up to 25 miles an hour. This is the fastest recorded by a California sea lion, which is the fastest species of a sea lion.

The genus of a sea lion?

The genus of a sea lion is Zalophus. This genus includes two species of sea lions, the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) and the Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki). They are both known for their playful nature and agility in the water.

What zone does the California Sea Lion live in?

Around the California seas (there is no such thing as the California seas)

How does a sea lion balance a ball?

Sea lions have special whisker-like structures on their faces called vibrissae. The vibrissae are filled with nerves so that the sea lion can feel with them, and surrounded by muscles so that the sea lion can move them. The sea lion can use them to balance and hold a ball, much like a human balancing something on his/her fingertips.