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it feels like you're dead

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Q: What does a Venticular Asystole feel like?
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Why is defibrillation not effective when there is a total absence of venticular electrical activity in the heart?

When there is no electrical activity in the heart (asystole), the AED won't start the heart as drugs are required to start the heart. The AED will only re-set the heart from abnormal electrical activity (such as V-Tach or V-Fib).

What is an asystole?

An asystole is an absence of systole, the inability or failure of the heart to contract.

What is the period of venticular relaxation?


What is the absence of contractions of the heart?


Why give lidocaine to a pt with asystole?

lidocaine would not be used to treat asystole. source: studying for my respiratory pharmacology final exam right now

What artery carries blood to the left side?

left venticular

What if your heart stopped beating is called what?

It is called asystole

What is the name of the artery that carries blood from the left ventricle to the body?

left venticular

In the cardiovascular system what words means without contraction?


What user-friendly site provides detailed information on Asystole treatment?

There are several websites offering detailed information on Asystole treatments. The most popular include EMedicine, The Lancet, Medskills and EM Journal.

What is the medical term meaning flat line?

A flat line in cardiology is called asystole.

What does Asystoli mean?

Asystole is when the heart has stopped long enough to become depolarized. At this time, it may be time to consider pronouncing death as even electrical shocks would most likely be useless. By the time Asystole sets in, the brain has gone a good 20-45 minutes without oxygen. Asystole is when the heart has stopped long enough to become depolarized. At this time, it may be time to consider pronouncing death as even electrical shocks would most likely be useless. By the time Asystole sets in, the brain has gone a good 20-45 minutes without oxygen.