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Q: What does a Who-ville hat look like?
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How many who live in whoville?

In Dr. Seuss' fictional town of Whoville, the exact population is never specified. It is depicted as a bustling community with many residents, especially during the holiday season in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!"

How do you make yourself look like Cat in the Hat?

wear a long hat, look like a dog, and wear what you want.

What does a wizard hat look like?

It looks like a party hat that is made up of cloth

What is the population of Whoville?

Whoville is known to have about 30,000 residents as of 2020

What is the name of the mountain the Grinch lived on?

Well the grinch lives in both whoville and the outskirts of whoville. The mountain is considered not part of whoville but the grinch considers himself part of whoville.

What is the city where the Grinch stole Christmas?

The name of the town in the Santa Claus is Coming to Town movie is "Sombertown", so called because of the grim lives of its citizens under the rule of the tyrannical Burgomeister Meisterburger.

WHAT is a right hat on lego's Indiana J ones?

The rght hat is an enemies hat makeing you look like one of them

What do novelty hats look like?

Novelty hats are like goofy hats. For example, a hat that is a shape of a hot dog, an umbrella hat, a jester hat, etc.

Is it Whoville or Who-ville?

It is typically written as Whoville, as seen in Dr. Seuss's book "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!"

What does Finn look like without his hat?

He has blonde hair.

What does wearing your hat to the left mean?

That you like to look silly.

What does the propeller hat on club penguin on mission 8 look like?

The Propeller Hat is on a coatrack behind in HQ.