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Baby blue gill look a lot like silver tadpoles from a distance, but up close, they look like tiny fish. you can also see a little blue color near the base of the tail. They are about an inch long or less.

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Q: What does a baby blue gill fish look like?
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Why do bony fish have many gill filaments?

Bony fish have many gill filaments because they use them to breathe. They are also used to transfer things like water and ions.

What do baby blue jays look like?

i don't now why are you questioning me?!!!

What do fishes use their gills to do?

Fish's gills are made up of a gill bar, gill filaments, gill rakers and gill lamellae. The gill filaments are "stacked" along the the gill bar and the gill lamellae stick out of the filaments at right angles. Deoxygenated blood is carried down the gill bar and into the gill filaments. It then flows through the lamellae and back down the other side of the filament, into the gill bar where the now oxygenated blood gets carried off for use. The way oxygen is diffused into the lamellae is through a countercurrent exchange system. The fish takes in water through the mouth, and pushes it over the the gill filaments and lamellae. The direction of blood flow through the filaments and lamellae is in the opposite direction to the water being forced over them. This means that there is always a good diffusion gradient and the maximum amount of oxygen can be absorbed. If the concurrent exchange system was used, whereby the water and blood would flow in the same direction, only about half of the oxygen in the water would be able to be absorbed. The water is now forced back out of the fish through the operculum.

What kind of fish is verdesca?

According to Google Translation, "Verdesca" means blue. And according to Google Images, a Verdesca fish looks a lot like a shark. So maybe it's a blue shark.

Can you have rocks in your tank if you have baby fish?

Yes, just make sure that the rocks are secure and there is no way that the baby fish can get under them... But, if it were my fish, i wouldn't put too many rocks, for precautions. Also, maybe put something the fish might like so it won't go near the roks so much. Happy To Help =]

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