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Yes, just make sure that the rocks are secure and there is no way that the baby fish can get under them... But, if it were my fish, i wouldn't put too many rocks, for precautions. Also, maybe put something the fish might like so it won't go near the roks so much. Happy To Help =]

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Q: Can you have rocks in your tank if you have baby fish?
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Normal rocks are not healthy for gold fish. Although you can use them as long as you clean the rocks before you put them in your fish tank. There are lots of harmful things on rocks that can get your fish really sick, if you have expensive fish your best bet is to use the rocks that you get from your local fish store. I had some of the same type of fish you had and i did not listen to someone telling me the same thing I'm telling you and all of my fish died i would not want the same thing happening to you. I wish you luck on your fish tank

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What should you do when you find baby fish in your tank?

Seperate it from the other grown fish asap.

Can you put a baby water turtle in a fish tank with fish in it?

Only if you don't mind it eating the fish !

What do baby goldfish eat in a tank?

the shop has baby fish food that's what you feed them

Should my Fish be eating the rocks in the tank what is wrong?

Although it may look like it, your fish will not be swallowing the rocks. It may well be mouthing the rocks to remove any algae or other bits and pieces that are on them.