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The muscle strenght of the rider.

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Q: What does a bicycle use to work?
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Related questions

How does the invention of a bicycle work?

a bicycle for transportation

Does a bicycle use force?

A bicycle alone only use up space. But a human riding a bicycle will have to use force to get the bicycle to do anything, by pushing on the pedals, pulling on the handlebar ASO.

How does a bicycle designer use math?

A bicycle designer uses maths to work out the frame angles, and the gearing. The number of teeth on the chainwheels, sprockets (cassette), chain length, and so on, all depend on maths.

What is a bicycle lane?

A bicycle lane is a part of a roadway designated for use by cyclists.

Do bicycle helmets really work?

Yes, it is scientifically shown that bicycle helmets do work. They help to absorb the impact from a crash and protect your skull and brain.

What part of a bicycle makes the bicycle go?

The pedals, crank, chain, sprockets, and wheels. Along with the rider, they all work together to make the bicycle go.

When do you use a bicycle?

Whenever you want to.

What simple machine make the hand brake work on a bicycle?

Bicycle brakes are usually levers

What is the pronoun for Steve?

I don’t know

When to use the word has or have?

Examples... We both have bicycles. I have a brand new bicyle. He has an old bicycle. His bicycle has a flat tyre. My bicycle has good tyres.

How do bicycle wheels work?

when you pedal, they go round?!?

What are some of the best exercise bikes available today?

Also known as a recumbent bicycle, a reclining bicycle is a bicycle you can use from a seated position that is lower to the ground than an upright bicycle.