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A blood clot in a tooth socket looks like a dark red film-like substance. It resembles a bubble, with a soft pocket.

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On the outside, it looks like you got a bruise, on the inside, your blood cells are like in this spider web thing...Why don't you search it up?

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Q: What does a blood clot in tooth socket look like?
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Can blood clots be white in reference to wisdom tooth extraction socket?

Yes, clots can be white in color. After a tooth is extracted, the tooth socket fills with blood and a clot forms. Just like any wound heals with a "scab" if you will. A blood clot has several components (ingredients) in it. The red blood cells tend to wash away in the mouth, with post-extraction care like rinsing. What remains is the fibrin part of the clot, which appears "white" in the mouth.

Why does a dry socket form on the third day following extraction?

you can get dry socket from drinking out of a straw, smoking,spiting or sucking like on ice cream or food off a spoon. When people do this continuously the blood clot will be removed and it will cause severe pain in the mouth. People usually have to be careful about this after a tooth extraction like wisdom teeth is most common.

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What is a dry socket?

Dry socket is a layman's term for alveolar osteitis. The alveolus is the part of the jawbone that supports the teeth, and osteitis means simply "bone inflammation". It is a post-operative complication of tooth extraction. It occurs when the newly formed blood clot in the extraction site is prematurely lost or disrupted or doesn't form correctly and hence there is a delay in the normal healing process. Alveolar osteitis is a painful phenomenon that most commonly occurs a few days following the removal of mandibular teeth.(usually third molar) To avoid this, do not smoke or use contraceptives (oral contraceptive extractions should be performed during days 23 through 28 of the tablet cycle), don't drink through a straw, dont spit or rinse too much, and maintain good oral hygiene and keep the area clean with a soft tooth brush. Return to your dentist if you have a bad taste or smell in your mouth. I think that's about it. Hope it helps.

Can you get dry socket if your adult decayed tooth just falls out?

Dry socket occurs usually due to the dislodgement of the blood clot that forms after extraction. It may also occur due to traumatic extraction in the dentist has done too much scooping of the extraction socket. That socket becomes very painful and sensitive to food and even air. In your case, it looks like dentist has not done the job,but the tooth has fallen out on its own. Did u see the entire root come out as well? There are chances that only the top(crown) portion of tooth that was hollow and decayed tooth may have fallen out, and root is still inside. In that case the remaining tooth maybe be sharp and hurt you. The pain you have may also be bcoz of infection in that tooth. In any case the best bet would be to see a dentist.

How should a tooth socket look after an extraction?

I belive it should look like a dark red/black mess. Mine was white until a few minuites ago when I realised that it was food (EUGH) Now its the redish colour, which I'm presuming is the blood clot.

Why menstrual do not clot?

Menstrual blood has fewer platelets than normal blood because if it was to clot it would be detrimental to the process. If menstrual blood were to clot like normal blood it would inhibit the blood leaving the uterus.

Your granddaughter has a purple bump on her gum Is this normal tooth cutting or could it be a blood clot or something to be concerned with?

It sounds like gingival hyperplasia (aka - gum swelling) that does usually precede the eruption of a tooth. No, this is not an entity to worry about. RBB, MD

What happens if the blood clot falls out after tooth extraction?

It is a bit unlikely for the blood clot to be dislodged or getting dry socket 10 days after an extraction. It is however not impossible. Usually dry socket occurs 3-5 days after the extraction.

Why menstrual blood do not clot?

Menstrual blood has fewer platelets than normal blood because if it was to clot it would be detrimental to the process. If menstrual blood were to clot like normal blood it would inhibit the blood leaving the uterus.

What happens if you rinsed and had warm soup after tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction leaves a gaping hole in the gum and jawbone structure. The extraction results in bleeding which needs to be prevented. The natural clotting system creates a blood clot in the socket where the tooth was removed, and thus stops the bleeding. Rinsing too soon can dislodge and remove the clot resulting in more bleeding, which can cause stomach upset, and if uncontrolled, loss of too much blood which could be dangerous. It also exposes the wound to possible infection. It is best to follow the instruction "not to rinse" to prevent complications which could be dangerous and expensive to correct. The "no rinse" rule should be included on a standard patient instruction sheet that you get following a tooth extraction. There will be a number of important things on there, like "do not use drinking straws" for a while.

What does your gum look like after an tooth extractionIs it normal to see something white in the socket where your tooth use to be?

you might have bone spurs