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no If you are asking about highlighting information with "bullet points," yeah, it is probably okay. Real bullets are a bad idea. The holes make the resume difficult to read, and may send entirely the wrong message to a prospective employer.

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Q: What does a bullet point mean in a resume?
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How would you make important elements in your resume stand out visually?

Use bullet point formatting.

A bullet that expands on contact?

I'm guessing you mean a hollow point bullet, which do general expand when they hit something.

Should you bullet point on your resume?

Typically, if you type up your resume in an outlined form, you would have to use bullet points. (category: business, job: project manager is a great example.) Yes you should, in parts. Here is a great resource I found. A really good example is Category: Business, Job: Project Manager.

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note on resume in general from employer's point of view

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Jacketed hollow point.

What is dot or other symbol positioned at the beginning of a paragraph?

A bullet point

Is third grade supposed to be capitalized in a resume?

No, although it might look nicer if it's being mentioned in bullet-point format. You certainly do have to capitalize the name of your school though.

When did the word resume began to be used?

It depends what type of resume you mean.

Resume in general employer point of view?

A resume isΒ a formal document that a job applicant creates to itemize their qualifications for a position. A resume is usually accompanied by a customized cover letter in which the applicant expresses an interest in a specific job or company and draws attention to the most relevant specifics on the resume.

Do you use a full stop when you've used a bullet point?

No, typically a full stop is not used at the end of a bullet point unless the bullet point is a complete sentence. If each bullet point is a complete sentence, then it's appropriate to use a full stop at the end.