

What does a cactus looks like?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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6y ago

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All cactus are green and have spines on them. Some cacti are big while others are small. Some have flowers and some don't. Most cacti have round stems and no visible leaves (although they do have microscopic ones).
alot of thorns and sometimes flowers. they can be round or flat or even like sticks

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It is green with thin spines to protect itself from any herbivores who want to eat it. It is usually found in most deserts, and one of the only plants that live there.

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Do giraffes like cactus?

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Cactus, like other plants, uses photosynthesis to get energy.

Are cactus roots?

The cactus root in the ground beneath the cactus plant.

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Saguaro or something like that. what is the mane of the biggest cactus

What is the redcap cactus?

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