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Q: What does a catalyst do for each of those reactions?
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What are main functions of catalysts?

Catalyst is the agent which alter the rate of chemical reactions. Catalyst are not consumed by the reaction as the other reactants. Those catalyst which increase or speed up the reaction are known as positive catalyst. Those who slow the reaction are known as negative catalyst.

What is the difference between an inhibitor and catalyst?

Catalyst speeds up reactions, and inhibitors are used to slow down reactions.

What is a catalyst and why is it important in certain reactions?

a catalyst speeds up the rate of reaction

Is catalyst is specific for each reaction?

Catalysts speed up reactions and they do this by decreasing the activation energy. The way they decrease the activation energy is by providing an alternate pathway for the reaction. Because there are so many different reaction mechanisms/pathways in chemistry, there must be many different catalysts.

What is the substances that speed up chemical reactions?

An enzyme/catalyst

What helps chemical reactions occur?

A catalyst helps chemical reactions occur.

Biologic catalyst that speed up chemical reactions?

Enzymes are biologic catalyst that speed up chemical reactions by lowering its activation energy Ea

What are specialized compounds which catalyze reactions?

A catalyst..?Or "Enzyme" in Biochemistry.

Do all chemical reactions involve catalyst or inhibitors?


Substance that increases rate of chemical reactions?


What can be used to speed up chemical reactions?

A catalyst

What usually functions as a catalyst for biochemical reactions?
