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Q: What does a combustion of a fuel release?
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What burns fuel to produce energy?

Oxygen in the air reacts with the fuel in a process called combustion to release energy

What is fuel reacting wuith combustion?

fuel and combustion makes a type of gas

What does the chemical combination of fuel and oxygen in a jet engine release?

The combustion of jet fuel produces carbon dioxide and water, and releases energy.

What is combustion in science?

burning of fuel is known as combustion inscience

What does combustion require?

Combustion requires Heat, Fuel and Oxygen

What is the process of fuel?


Does combustion fuel the sun?

no combustion dose not fuel the sun but the sun is fueled by a nuclear reaction known as fusion.

Why excess air is provided for combustion?

To ensure complete combustion of the fuel used, combustion chambers are supplied with excess air. Excess air increase the amount of oxygen and the probability of combustion of all fuel

What is a rapid reaction between oxygen and fuel called?

A rapid reaction between oxygen and a fuel is called combustion.

Why do cars need petrol or diesel?

Petrol and diesel engines are internal combustion engines. The internal combustion that turns the engine and powers the wheels is created by the combustion of fuel. No fuel, no combustion, and nothing to drive the wheels.

What is combustion in vehicle?

when the piston and valve meet the fuel is compressed and with spark you have combustion

How does piston get power to rotate the crankshaft?

From the combustion of air and fuel in the combustion chamber.