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what does continuumof sanctions mean in the sentencing process/

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Karina Ernser

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2y ago
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Q: What does a continuum of sanction mean in the sentencing process?
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What does continuum of sanction mean in the sentencing process?

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A "sanction" (usually referred to the loan agreement or loan sanction) is the conditional approval of a given amount to be loaned, the availability of which will expire in some period of time (i.e., we will loan you 5,000 Euro if you complete this form and the process in three months). The conditions include the number of payments, payment frequency, rate of interest, penalties, etc. or do you want to get your loan sanctioned within minutes then just visit <a href="" >Loan<a/> and get your loan sanctioned.

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zero months, zero days

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The word spectra means values and/ or conditions that vary over a continuum

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It means having some official authority or sanction, but not maintained or financed by the government.

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"Cleave" can mean to cling together or to split apart. "Dust" can mean to add particles or to remove particles. "Sanction" can mean to approve or to penalize. "Bolt" can mean to secure or to flee quickly. "Oversight" can mean supervising or failing to notice something.

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It means that the sentence is deferred for one year. In one year (from whatever date was read in the courtroom) the sentencing of the criminal will take place.

What is a sanction?

A sanction is a penalty or punishment imposed on a country, entity, or individual to encourage compliance with international law, regulations, or agreements. Sanctions can include restrictions on trade, financial transactions, travel, or diplomatic relations.