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That would be Hydrogen. The star is converting Hydrogen to Helium over time, therefore the older the star is, the more Helium it contains.

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Q: What does a core of a star that has been stable for 1 million years have more of then are core that has been stable for 10 million years?
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Compared to the core of a star that has been in the stable state for 10 million years the core of a star that has been in the stable state for only 1 million years has a greater percentage of?


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After a star has formed, it creates energy at the hot, dense core region through the nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium.

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no it is not possible. the earth's temperature in the core is not been uneven. it takes more million years to the end period of the world. their beleif tells like that.

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Far more than that. In about 5 billion years the sun will exhaust the hydrogen fuel in its core. After that the fusion will move to the core and the sun will expand to become a red giant for about 2 billion years. After that the sun will fuse helium for about 100 million years before finally dying.

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Africa Morocco, Malawi,is the most stable continent on the planet.There was no core to the supercontinent of Pangea.

Who much hydrogen gas is left in the core of the sun?

Enough, it has been hypothesized, to maintain it in its present stable state for another 4.5 billion years from now, before it begins to readjust itself to its dwindling supply of fuel for fusion.

How hot is sun core?

27 million

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The Ball's Pyramid is about 7 million years old indicating it's not been active for a very long time. Since it stopped being active 7 million years ago water and wind eroded the volcano until its core is left behind forming the Ball's Pyramid.

How hot is a stars core?

A stars core temperature will be several million kelvins

How hot is the core of the sun in kelvin?

The core of the sun is about 15 million Kelvin.