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A dark line in a spectrum, also known as an absorption line, represents a specific wavelength of light that has been absorbed by a substance between the source of light and the observer. The presence of dark lines in a spectrum can provide information about the composition and properties of the absorbing material.

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Q: What does a dark line in a spectrum mean?
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What is a dark line found in a spectrum is called?

A dark line found in a spectrum is called an absorption line. Absorption lines are created when atoms or molecules absorb specific wavelengths of light, resulting in dark lines in the spectrum where that light is missing.

What were dark lines in the spectrum named for?

Dark lines in the spectrum were named after German physicist Joseph von Fraunhofer, who first systematically studied them. They are commonly known as Fraunhofer lines and are formed when certain chemical elements absorb specific wavelengths of light, creating dark bands in the spectrum.

What are some comparisons with a absorption spectrum and a continuous spectrum?

An absorption spectrum shows dark lines at specific wavelengths where light has been absorbed by a substance. A continuous spectrum shows all colors/wavelengths with no gaps, like the rainbow. The main difference is that the absorption spectrum has specific dark lines while the continuous spectrum is smooth and uninterrupted.

Why dark line appears in absorption spectrum?

Dark lines in an absorption spectrum are caused by material existing between the source of light and the observation point. This material can absorb light from the source at specific energies corresponding to the excitation energies of the molecules, atoms, or ions making up the material.

Why does the spectrum go from light to dark?

The spectrum goes from light to dark when it shows a range of colors based on their brightness or intensity. Lighter colors have higher brightness or intensity, while darker colors have lower brightness or intensity. The transition from light to dark in a spectrum helps to represent the contrast or variation in color tones.

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dark-line spectrum...

What is a dark line found in a spectrum is called?

A dark line found in a spectrum is called an absorption line. Absorption lines are created when atoms or molecules absorb specific wavelengths of light, resulting in dark lines in the spectrum where that light is missing.

Who discovered the dark line spectrum?

The dark line spectrum was first observed by Joseph von Fraunhofer in 1814 during his study of the Sun's spectrum. These dark lines are now known as Fraunhofer lines and are caused by absorption of specific wavelengths of light by various elements in the Sun's atmosphere.

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What were dark lines in the spectrum named for?

Dark lines in the spectrum were named after German physicist Joseph von Fraunhofer, who first systematically studied them. They are commonly known as Fraunhofer lines and are formed when certain chemical elements absorb specific wavelengths of light, creating dark bands in the spectrum.

What kind of spectrum is used to determine the composition of the planets atmosphere?

dark-line... :)

Is an absorption spectrum also called a bright line spectrum?

No, an absorption spectrum and a bright line spectrum are not the same. An absorption spectrum is produced when light is absorbed by atoms or molecules, showing dark lines at specific wavelengths. On the other hand, a bright line spectrum is produced when atoms or molecules emit light at specific wavelengths, creating bright lines in the spectrum.

What kind of spectrum is used to determine the composition of a planet's atmosphere?

An absorption spectrum is typically used to determine the composition of a planet's atmosphere. This type of spectrum shows specific wavelengths of light that are absorbed by different gases in the atmosphere, allowing scientists to identify the presence of specific elements or compounds.

What does a star's dark-line spectrum reveal?

The dark lines reveal the atoms that are associated with the stars atmosphere. The dark lines are atom energy absorption signatures.

What does a stars dark line spectrum reveal?

A star's dark line spectrum reveals the elements present in its atmosphere. Each dark line corresponds to a specific element that has absorbed light at that particular wavelength, providing a fingerprint of the star's chemical composition. By analyzing these lines, astronomers can determine the types and abundances of elements in the star.

What does the presence of dark lines in the solar spectrum mean?

The dark lines represents the absorption of energy at that frequency, E=hf.

Titan Saturn's largest moon has a substantial atmosphere What kind of spectrum would Titan be expected to have?
