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Q: What does a dark line in a spectrum mean?
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Who discovered the dark line spectrum?

Lippershey first discovered a dark-line spectrum.

Continuous spectrum with dark lines where light is absorbed?

dark-line spectrum...

What were dark lines in the spectrum named for?

Dark lines especially in solar spectrum have been named as Fraunhofer lines. These line are good examples for line absorption spectrum

What kind of spectrum is used to determine the composition of a planet's atmosphere?

dark line spectrum

What kind of spectrum would Titan be expected to have?


What kind of spectrum is used to determine the composition of the planets atmosphere?

dark-line... :)

What does a star's dark-line spectrum reveal?

The dark lines reveal the atoms that are associated with the stars atmosphere. The dark lines are atom energy absorption signatures.

What does a stars dark line spectrum reveal?

The dark lines reveal the atoms that are associated with the stars atmosphere. The dark lines are atom energy absorption signatures.

How can you Distinguish absorption spectrum from emission spectrum?

Emission spectra are bright-line spectra, absorption spectra are dark-line spectra. That is: an emission spectrum is a series of bright lines on a dark background. An absorption spectrum is a series of dark lines on a normal spectrum (rainbow) background.

What does the presence of dark lines in the solar spectrum mean?

The dark lines represents the absorption of energy at that frequency, E=hf.

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What does the term bright line spectrum mean?

There are several kinds of spectra. Bright line spectrum, or emission spectrum, is when light emitted by a gas has an electrical discharge going through it, and it produces a spectrum of just a few isolated parallel lines.