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he installs a Dental Bridge in your teeth which covers up the little cracks and inlets where your food is tend to get caught.

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Q: What does a dentist do to fix a tooth that constantly gets food caught in between the tooth and the gums It also causes discomfort and a little bleeding when flossing.. 30 yo female with all own teeth?
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What is the medical term meaning uterine bleeding between the menstrual cycle?

Metrorrhagia is bleeding between periods. Menometrorrhagia, in contrast, is heavy bleeding and bleeding between periods.

Can not flossing kill you?

Yes it can. Not flossing will leave food in between your teeth. That food will grow bacteria. That bacteria will eat away at your teeth and the roots will get infected. the infection, unless the tooth is removed or the infection is treated, will spread to your heart.

Is whooping cough an osha recordable?

I will answer your question with another question.Have you ever seen the list of things that are not an OSHA recordable?Bingo.Here is the long and short of it. If your employee is on a leave of absence in a faraway land, and they are flossing and experience discomfort at the moment the floss contacts their gums when slipping between their teeth, if they claim they were thinking about you when it happens, it's a recordable.

How does flossing and brushing your teeth involve science?

the science of flossing and brushing involves making an acidic atmosphere a basic one, which your teeth love. Flossing is removing bacteria from not only between the teeth, but under the gum line. Flossing also massages the gums, therefore promoting good blood flow to the gums. This provides ideal nutrition to the tissue and teeth.

What is abnormal uterine bleeding?

Abnormal bleeding includes bleeding between menstrual periods, excessive bleeding during a menstrual period, or bleeding after menopause

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Relative humidity causes heat and therefore discomfort

What is the relationship between high relative humidity and the feeling of discomfort in the summer?

relative humidity causes heat and therefore discomfort

What is the relationship between high relative humidity and the feeling of discomfort in summer?

relative humidity causes heat and therefore discomfort

What is the difference between internal and normal bleeding?

Internal bleeding is when you bleed on the inside as where normal bleeding is where you bleed on the outside

Why are oral irrigation devices used?

Oral irrigation device or oral irrigator (as what they are commonly called) are used to effectively clean gums and teeth. It is used to clean off plaque and other food pieces especially in between teeth which are hard to reach when brushing. Oral irrigator is proven to effectively clean the teeth and mouth rather than using dental floss. It is also proven to cause less bleeding than the risk of bleeding from using dental floss.

What are sign of cervical cancer?

pelvic pain......bleeding after intercourse, bleeding after menopause, Bleeding that occurs between regular menstraul period