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Q: What does a flashing green and red light gun signal mean?
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What does a traffic light with a flashing amber signal mean?

You must stop

What does a flashing white light-gun signal mean?

return to starting point

What does a flashing white light gun signal mean?

return to starting point

What does the green light with an S while flashing mean?


Does a flashing red light mean the same as a solid red light?

No, a flashing red light typically indicates a temporary stop or caution, such as at a railroad crossing or traffic signal malfunction, while a solid red light means to come to a complete stop until it turns green.

What does a buoy number 5 and flashing green light mean?


What does a flashing green light mean on the runway mean?

clear for taxi or return to land

What does a red or amber traffic light mean?

A red light - steady or flashing - means STOP. A steady amber light means Caution - signal about to change. A flashing amber light means SLOW DOWN.

Why does Canada have flashing green stoplights?

because flashing green lights mean go and the green lights that are not flashing mean stop

What does a flashing red light gun signal mean?

In aviation, flashing red means get of the runway if you are on the ground and it means the airport is not safe for landing if you are in the air.

What does a traffic light with a flashing yellow signal mean?

In the U.S.A it means you have the right of way but proceed with caution.

What does it mean when a flashing green light on the AC switch on the 2001 Montero is flashing?

A flashing green light on the AC switch of the 2001 Montero indicates there is a situation that requires attention within the cooling system. The issue could be as minor as a loose connection to an outright system failure.