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it smells steak

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Q: What does a frshly cooked steak smell like?
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What does a steak smells like?

it smells steak

Should raw steak smell like egg?

No. It should smell like raw beef - if it is a beef steak. Or pork, if it is a pork steak. And so on.

What do turnips smell like?

When cooking or cooked, they smell like sewage.

Should a t-bone steak be cooked rare?

A steak should be cooked how the person you are cooking it for likes it, you should always ask how the person likes their steak cooking. Some people like their steak rare, some medium and some well done.

How did jesus like his steak cooked?

Well done, good and faithful servant!

How do you say to the waiter when you want to have your steak to be cooked?

The steak can be rare, medium or well-done. The eggs can be "up" (sunnyside up), "over" scrambled or poached. For example, you would simply say: "The steak medium rare, and the eggs over, please".

Information on hanger steaks and how to make them?

Hanger steak is different than any other kind of steak because you are required to marinate them in order to cook them properly. If you cook the hanger steak like you cook flap steak, it won't be as good or healthy as a proper cooked hanger steak would be.

What does oriental Ramen noodles taste like?

No offense but they only cost about 18 cents a package. Why not go buy some and sniff for yourself?! Dry, they don't smell much like anything. Cooked, they smell like any other cooked noodle.

Is steak good?

Many people like steak and other forms of cooked meat, but some do not. So some people will say that steak is good and others will say it is not. It is a matter of opinion and, except for those whose religious views enter into the matter, there is no one right answer.

How long do you cook a sirloin steak?

It depends on how you like your meat. It also depends on how much the strip steak weighs and how thick it is. For example, a 2 inch boneless steak should be cooked a total of 18 minutes, 9 minutes each side over a hot grill.

What does raw corn beef smell like?

Tinned corned beef is not raw, the meat is cooked in the tin and can be eaten cold or hot. As to its smell - to me it smells deliciously beefy.

Over cooked brussel sprouts have a unpleasant smellwhy do they smell like that?

Because cooking releases a chemical that smells like sulfur. It makes an unpleasant smell and usually a bitter taste too. Cooked longer than 5-8 minutes and you increase the chances of releasing the chemical sinigrin.