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Q: What does a high number mean for the gallbladder?
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What ingredient in Chicken Alfredo is a pain inducer for gallbladder disease?

The high fat content in alfredo sauce can trigger gallbladder pain.

What mean gallbladder in Spanish?

according to Google: vesícula biliar

What does the medical abbreviation GB surgery mean?

Gallbladder surgery.

What does it mean that your lymph absolute number is high 3.1 and your mono absolute number is high 7?

My Lymph absolute is 3.62 what does this mean ?

What are the symptoms of Empyema of the gallbladder?

Empyema of the gallbladder is marked by intense pain on the upper right side of the abdomen, high fever, and rigidity of the muscles over the infected area

If the gallbladder was removed due to gallstones. can still live without a gallbladder?

Yes we can. Removal of the gallbladder does not mean the patient cannot continue to have a normal life. However - a change in diet to a low-fat alternative would be advisable - as the bile produced by the gallbladder is used to process fat in our diet.

CAN slim fast cause gallbladder problems?

yes, if the sugar count is high enough

What does high ALT on a blood test mean?

ALT can be elevated in hepatitis (infectious or metabolic) or cirrhosis. It can also be elevated if you have obstruction around the gallbladder.

What does 'the patient has a history of cholecystectomy' mean?

Cholecystecomy is just a fancy medical word meaning "surgical removal of the gallbladder." A patient with a history of a cholecystecomy no longer has a gallbladder.

What are Ways to prevent gallbladder disease?

eat healthy and limit number of kids had

What does light coloured poo mean?

It may mean you have something wrong with you gallbladder I would call your Dr.!

What test would demonstrate choledochlithiasis?

Ultrasound imaging. Ultrasound has an accuracy rate of 96%. Cholecystography (cholecystogram, gallbladder series, gallbladder x ray). This type of study shows how the gallbladder contracts after the patient has eaten a high-fat meal