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means a sign of inflamation level in body

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Q: What does a high rheumatoid factor and high RDW CV and high PLT mean?
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What does a high rheumatoid factor and high RDW-CV and high PLT mean?

A high rheumatoid factor (RF) refers to a higher than normal concentration of rheumatoid factoring the blood. High quantities of this immunoglobulin are often found in people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. High rheumatoid factor levels can also be found as a result of Sjogen's syndrome or similar conditions also with TB and HIV.The RDW-CV% means, coefficient of variation of the red cell width. It measures the variability in the size of red blood cells, RBC in routine automated analysis of blood cells. Levels of RDW-CV% and hemoglobin Hb can predict iron deficiency anemia.A mildly elevated (PLT) platelet count is nothing to worry about. Normal PLT counts range from 100,000 to 450,000. Platelet counts can go up as an acute phase reactant in as a result of anemia,inflammation or infection. Platelets can also be reactive to blood loss and many other disorders.

What does the medical abbreviation PLT mean?

PLT on a blood test result stands for platelets.

What does Plt mean in a blood test?

Platelet Count

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What do the initials PLT mean?

1) Pilot 2) Patent Law Treaty

In a Hematology test what is PLT for?

In a hematology test, PLT stands for platelet count. Platelets are small cell fragments in the blood that help with clotting and preventing excessive bleeding. Abnormal platelet counts can indicate various medical conditions such as thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) or thrombocytosis (high platelet count).

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