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The horse will need more concentrated feed (oats/grain), more water, and more salt. Most people offer salt in block form freely; you can also feed electrolyte supplements or plain table salt in their grain.

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Q: What does a horse need more of- if it is frequently exercised?
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On howrse if a horse is exercised does it need more glucose more protein more carbohydrates or more fats?

Horses that are frequently exercised need what? Increased protein Increased carbohydrate

Howrse that are frequently exercised need what?

horses that are frequently exercised need feed with higher fiber and less suger,

Horses that are frequently exercised need an increase in what two things?

Food and care. And usually a horse will want to take a little rest.

Horses that are frequently exercised need what in their diet?


What do horses who frequently exercise need in their diet?

Horses need to be exercised every day for 30 minutes or more and they should eat chaff, pony/horse mix and sugar beet, should have fresh clean water available at all times.

Horses that are frequently exercised do they need extra protein?

In real life, yes, a horse at work will need more protein than he will when not at work. Not exactly... You just have to make sure that they are getting the amount of food needed. On Howrse you can't give them 'extra protein'!

Horses that are frequently exercised need Increased protein?

Protein requirements do increase slightly with training and exercise but this is insignificant in comparison to the protein needs of a young, growing horse, or a lactating broodmare.

Horses that are frequenty excerise need extra?

Frequently exercised horses need extra minerals and grain.

Horses that are frequently exercised need increased what glucoseprotienfats andor carbohydrates?

increased fat

Do horses need increased protein when exercised frequently?

on howrse the answer is increased protein and carb.

Horses that are exercised need more of what?

They need more food

What do horses that are frequently exercised need?

Horses that are frequently exercised need increased protein and increased carbohydrates.Horses that have heavier work will also benefit from rubdowns with a diluted liniment or brace. This will help sore or strained muscles relax and most horses love the extra pampering. It is always a good idea to wrap the horse's legs or put on protective boots (splint, skid, hock, bell) to reduce chance of injury during workout.Horses need high quality forage (hay or grazing), high-energy/protein (grain), water, salt, trace minerals. Proportions will vary according to type & frequency of exercise, age of horse, and other factors.Well, typically a horse with a larger amount of exercise would get an increase in their concertrates.Well, typically a horse with a larger amount of exercise would get an increase in their concertrates.