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Microbiologists study microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, and some types of parasites.

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Q: What does a microbiologist study What does a microbiologist study?
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What is a good sentence with microbiologist and microscope?

The microbiologist uses a microscope to study microbiological organisms.

What scientist would study microorganisms?

A microbiologist.

What type of scientists study bacteria?

A microbiologist.

What scientists study microscopic organisms?

A microbiologist.

What groups of animals are usually not a concern of microbiologist?

Moths are not usually of concern to the microbiologist. Microbiologists study microorganisms, for example, viruses and bacteria. The median salary for a microbiologist is $42,304.

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A Cytologist

What is study of small things?

A person who has this job is called a microbiologist.

What scientists study organisms too small to be seen with the human eye?

A microbiologist.

What does a microbiologist usually study?

The definition of the word microbiologist answers that question. A microbiologist usually studies small (micro) living things (biology), such as germs, bacteria and fungi. These living things are so small that a microscope would be needed.

What are names of scientists that study malaria?

a parasitologist or microbiologist. a medical technologist will do the actual testing.

What is the study of microscopic plants and animals called?

study of plant is called botany study of plants is called zoology

What do you call a person who studies germs or microbes?

Microbiologists specialize in studying microorganisms, but other biologists can study them to a lesser extent as part of their fields.