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Numbats will tear open termite nests and termite mounds with their sharp claws, in search of food. Termites form the main part of a numbat's diet, and once they have dug through to the termite nest, numbats will use their long, sticky tongue to collect the insects.

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Q: What does a numbat tear open?
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What are some of the numbat's habitats?

The numbat is usually found in open woodland and bushland habitats, particularly where there are numerous fallen trees and hollow logs. They prefer habitat dominated by Wandoo, a type of eucalyptus.

How do numbat breed?

Numbats, being mammals, reproduce sexually. As they are marsupials, they give birth to live young which are undeveloped, and must continue their development in the mother's pouch. In the case of the numbat, the pouch is just an open flap of skin.

Does the Numbat lay eggs?

No. The numbat is not a monotreme, or egg-laying mammal. The numbat is a marsupial, which gives live birth.

What continent did the numbat originate?

The numbat originated on the Australian continent.

Does the numbat have a pouch?

Yes and no. The numbat is one of Australia's few marsupials that does not have a closed pouch, but just an open pouch. Like the young of other marsupials, numbat young attach to the mother's teat, which swell in their mouth to prevent them being dislodged, but the young, which are born blind and hairless, have to cling to the belly fur of their mother while they grow.

Is a numbat a rodent?

A numbat is not a rodent. It is a marsupial. Rodents are placental mammals.

What is the Numbat general description?

The Numbat is a marsupial anteater of Western Australia.

What is the latin name for numbat?

The numbat's scientific name is Myrmecobius fasciatus.

When did the threats to the numbat begin?

Threats to the numbat began with European colonisation of Australia.

What is the height of the Numbat?

The numbat is not tall. When sitting on their haunches, their height is about 25 cm.

Is a numbat active during day?

Yes. The numbat is the only completely diurnal marsupial.