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Q: What does a possums pouch look like?
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How possums give birth?

Possums give birth and then the baby’s will then go to the pouch of the mother and continue growing there

Are possums in New Jersey marsupials?

yes, all possums are marsupials as they lack a uterusPossums look somewhat like giant rats, with their pointed snouts and skinny, naked tails. They are in fact North America's only marsupial (like kangaroos, they raise their young in a pouch). Adults average 10-14 lbs. They don't live very long, rarely more than two years, three max.The above description applies to the opossum, not true possums. Possums and opossums are frequently confused, but they are not related. True possums are not found in New Jersey, but are native to Australia and some islands of the South Pacific. Possums look noting like giant rats.

What does the stomack look like?

It look like a pouch

Where do possums keep their babies?

A possum is a marsupial, so the young joey is raised in the mother's pouch. Here it will stay for several months, attached permanently to a teat, until it is old enough to emerge from the pouch. It will spend several more months clinging to its mother's back, ravelling with her as she forages for food.

How do possums do after they get out of their mother's pouch?

they are a bit wobbly but other wise it is an structural adaption that they can walk

What did David's slingshot look like?

It was a pouch with two strings attached to it.

How do possum give birth?

Possums give birth and then the baby’s will then go to the pouch of the mother and continue growing there

Do the possums in US have pouches?

There are no possums in the US. True possums are marsupials native to Australia (with some varieties found also in New Guinea and the Indonesian island of Sulawesi). Possums are quite different to American opossums. However, whether possums or opossums, the females of the species do have a pouch for raising their young.

What do possums do at night time?

Possums are nocturnal, so they engage in a great deal of activity at night. This is when they feed, have territorial disputes, and mate.

What does a modesty pouch look like?

Actors wear a modesty pouch. This pouch helps the actors to keep their private areas private and intact. This is especially important during certain scenes in a movie.

How are baby ringtail possums born?

Like other marsupials, ringtail possum joeys are born live but very undeveloped, after a short gestation period. Despite being blind, hairless and helpless, they are able to crawl to the mother's pouch where they latch onto a teat, remaining in the pouch for several month.

How do possum look like?

possums are like a huge fat cat with hand like paws, a long bushy tail and thick fur.