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Q: What does a protoplanetary disk most likely have in common with earths solar system?
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Are there any words in the solar system that start with p?

Planet, protoplanetary, Pluto.

What is earths system?

The Solar system. That is the system of the star Sol.

What will the protoplanetary disks eventually become?

That depends what the disk is forming round. If it is a large black hole it will form a quasar, if it is round a star, it will form planets (a solar system).

What type of star system is earths sun?

It SOLAR SYSTEM you.....?

Where did most of the material end up from the protoplanetary disk that formed our solar system?

In our Sun. Its mass is almost 300 times greater than the total mass of all of its planets.

What is earths position in the solar system according to its size?

Of the eight planets in our solar system, Earths is the fifth largest or the fourth smallest.

Was the Earth really created by evolution?

No. Evolution is the process whereby lifeforms diversify. The Earth, along with the rest of the solar system, was created by the aggregation of interstellar debris and gases into a protoplanetary disc.

What does earths system include?

it includs nothing

What evidence is there for the earths revolution around the sun?

the heliocentric system and the geocentric system

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Infection is more common in patients with temporary pacing systems.

What is earths partner in the solar system?

Luna, the moon

What is the largest of earths four system?

bobo buddy