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Once a queen bee emerges, it kills the other potential queen bees before can completely mature and themselves emerge.

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Q: What does a queen bee do to other queens?
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Are queen bees rare?

no they are not there is a queen in every bees nest wasp queens i dont know but bee queens are in every nest

Why does the queen bee not die after she stings?

A honey bee queens has a sting that is smooth like a hypodermic needle so it can be removed after stinging. A honey bee worker s has a sting that is barbed like a fishing hook so it stays embedded after stinging. However, you do not need to worry about being stung by a queen bee since they only use them against other queens.

Who would a queen bee sting?

A queen bee can sting, but she reserves her sting for other queens. As she generally never leaves the hive, the only persons who could be stung by a queen would be the beekeepers, but in all the years I have been beekeeping I have never heard of anyone being stung by a queen.

How many bee Queens are there in a bee hive?

Under normal circumstances, one. When the queen is getting old the workers will build queen cells and produce new queens. The first one to hatch will go round the other queen cells and sting through the cell wall to kill the developing queen inside. For a short time there will then be two queens and it may be possible to spot both the mother and daughter queens on the combs. Once the daughter queen is laying, the old queen is killed by the workers. This is a process known as supersedure. When preparing to swarm, the workers will again build queen cells, but before the new queens hatch off, the old queen and roughly half the colony will leave, so for a short time until one of the queens hatch there will be no queen in the colony.

How do AHB take over EHB hives?

It was hoped the much greater numbers of the European honey bee would swamp out the Africanized honey bee as they naturally cross-bred. The problem has turned out to be that the Africanized honey bee queen has a very slightly shorter pupation period than the European honey bee queen, so she tends to emerge first. A newly-emerged queen will try to kill all the other developing queens before they emerge. This slight imbalance means the Africanized bee has a slight advantage and this is why hives can become Africanized as the queens are replaced.

What is the queen honey bees role?

The queens role is to reproduce because it is the only female bee in the hive.

Wear wear will a queen bee stay in the winter?

A queen honey bee will stay in the hive. Honey bees do not hibernate, but will cluster together in the hive to keep warm. Bumble bee workers and drones, and the older queens die when the cold weather arrives, and the young queens find a sheltered place and hibernate through the winter.

How many QUEEN bees do one beehive have?

Only one queen to a hive. If two queens are born at the same time, they will fight until one is dead.

Is a queen bee poisonus and why?

No. A honey bee queen can only sting other bees - not people.

How old is the oldest Queen Bee?

Honey bee queens have been known to live for up to five years although three years is more usual.

A queen bee only stings what?

other queen bees

How long does the queen bee live after she lays eggs?

A queen honey bee can live anything up to five years and she will lay eggs right up to her death. If the queen's egg laying declines too much for the colony, they will replace her. Queens of other species of bee (bumble bee, solitary bees and so on) are hatched and mated in the autumn/fall, hibernate over the winter, then will live until the end of the following summer.