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vegies and fruit

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Q: What does a rabbit eat in the food chain?
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Apex Answer: Food Chain*Food Chain

How does killing one species spiral through the food chain?

it affects the food chain by killing one then another. For example, if rabbits are taken out of an ecosystem, then all the animals that eat the rabbit die and the animals that eat the rabbit- eating animals die, and so forth.

What is a bunny food chain?

Yes, what is the eastern cottontail rabbit food chain

What does a riverine rabbit eat?

Rabbits are consumers. Rabbits eat vegetation, they are herbivores. Thus if the plants are the primary producers, the rabbits are next up the food chain. Rabbits themselves are food for birds of prey, foxes, stoats, weasels and cats which are the carnivores at the top of the food chain. Here are some ideas for a food chain with a rabbit: Grass --> Rabbit --> Raccoon --> Wolf

What statement can you make about the amount of energy available at each level of the food chain?

the higher up the food chain you go, the less energy is availabe. that's why a rabbit would eat a small amount of grass, a fox would eat a few rabbits, and a wolf would eat a few foxes. they need to eat more because energy is lost every time you move up a link in the food chain. the rabbit loses energy but living, running pooping ect, so that's less energy for the fox when it eats the rabbit

What is the Interactions between food chain and food web?

a food web shows animals that eat consumers and producers, and it shows several animals that eat the same thing say: rabbits and cows eat grass, foxes eat rabbits, humans eat rabbits and cows, if you get what i mean? a food chain is like: grass-->rabbit-->fox. hope this answer helped :)

What is Chain of food?

the food chain is the way things are eaten - grass eaten by rabbit eaten by fox for example

Can horses eat rabbit food?

No because it can not digest a rabbit

What is the name of the diagram that shows various food chains?

Animal food chains: planton ;fish ;and bear insect food chains:grass;grasshopper;squirrel;rabbit plant food chains:grass;grasshopper;grass and berries; rabbit;berries;bear

Is rabbit food dangerous to eat?


What are five examples of a food chain?

A food chain is a kind of graph i think and it looks like, for example, there may be a picture of a shark. There might be an arrow pointing from a fish to the shark. This means that the shark may have fish in its diet. A Food chain can become quite large. Humans are at the top of the food chain because we aren't hunted by any other animal. In the wild tigers eat hyenas hyenas eat rabbits etc. A producer, like grass, is eaten by a herbivore, like a rabbit, then the rabbit is eaten by a carnivore, like an owl.

A marine food chain?

A marine food chain is a chain in the ocean of things that eat things that eat other things and so on...