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I'm a white male 42 year old, and havecontinuous UTI's and sometimes at the end of my urine stream there is air bubbles that comes out, no pain just air.

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Q: What does a renal and pelvic ultrasound show?
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In a renal ultrasound can you see liver?

in a renal ultrasound we can see the liver.

What other names is a pelvic ultrasound known by?

Depending on the goal of the procedure, a pelvic ultrasound can also be called a bladder ultrasound, pelvic gynecologic sonogram, or obstetric sonogram.

Is the Renal Ultrasound the same as the Bladder Ultrasound?

Renal ultra-sound - looks at kidney Bladder ultrasound - looks at bladder Renal tract USS - Looks at kidneys, ureters and bladder

What is prominent para-pelvic cysts and-or extrarenal pelvises involving both kidneys?

Para-Pelvic cysts - Para-Pelvic cysts - Parapelvic cysts of the kidneys are simple renal cysts, which are adjacent to the renal pelvis or the renal sinus. Simple renal cysts occur unilateral or bilateral, single or multiple.Extrarenal Pelvises - It refers to the presence of the renal pelvis outside the confines of the renal hilum. The renal pelvis is formed by all the major calyces. An extarenal pelvis usually appears dilated giving a false indication of an obstructive pathology. Subsequent investigation with CT, usually clarifies the false interpretation on ultrasound. It is found in approximately 10% of the population.

Can a pelvic ultrasound show a block fallopian tube?

No, a pap smear can't detect blocked fallopian tubes.

Do you have to be npo for a renal ultrasound?


What female organs are examined during a pelvic ultrasound?

In women, pelvic ultrasound is used to examine the uterus, ovaries, cervix, and vagina.

What is the cpt code for renal ultrasound?


If renal ultrasound is positive what will be the treatment?


What does the pelvic ultrasound reveal about internal organs?

Ultrasound has the ability to detect the size and shape of pelvic organs, such as the bladder, and is useful in evaluating the cause of bladder dysfunction.

How will you know if you have a thin uterus lining?


Why if you had an abnormal urine speciman why are they wanting a renal ultrasound?

to test your kidneys renal means kidneys