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Q: What does a represent in ascii for a 65?
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How to print a symbol in Java using the ASCII value?

In order to print a character using its ASCII value, you need to first assign it to a char value like this: char c = (char) 65; In this example, we are casting the int 65 to a char, which converts it to an 'A', since 65 is the ASCII value for the capital letter 'a'. Next, you can print it out if you want: System.out.println(c); That's pretty much all there is to it!

What are the Standard ASCII code from A to Z?

the ASCII code for A is 65... just count up 1 for each subsequent letter.

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What is the ASCII code for a capital A?

Decimal: 65 Hexadecimal: 41 Octal: 101 Binary: 01000001 HTML: &.#.65; (without periods) Hope this answered your question!

Represent college as a stream of ascii characters?

please ask this question to Moriss Mano

Personal computers commonly use what code system to represent character data?


The number of characters ascii standard supports?

ASCII: 128; 95 printable, 33 control iso-8859-1: 256; 191 printable, 65 control unicode: many

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ASCII protocol same of Modbus protocol?

Ascii is not a protocol - it describes a computer system's character set. Communication with a Modbus PLC requires an understanding of how to communicate and the protocol (set of rules) does describe this. Ascii is a set of values describing the Latin codepage set that can represent certain characters in data. There are no communications "rules" with Ascii, just a data representation.

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