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Q: What does a series of closed contour lines most likely represent?
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A series of closed contour lines most likely represents a?

A series of closed contour lines most likely represents a topographic map showing elevation levels of an area. Each contour line connects points of the same elevation, with lines closer together indicating steep slopes and lines farther apart indicating flat terrain.

What is the symbol for contour lines?

The symbol for contour lines on a map is a series of equally spaced brown lines that connect points of equal elevation. These lines represent changes in elevation and help visualize the shape and relief of the land.

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The Case Closed manga series originates from Japan like most manga. It is a detective based manga series and is written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama.

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What are 4 types of circuits?

Open, closed, parrallel, and series.

What kind of circuit can electricity travel in?

parallel and series

Is series circuit open or closed?

open 2nd answer: The meaning of circuit means ' a closed loop', whether it is an electric circuit, a circuit of a race, or the circuit of a traveling judge. So, by definition, the Series Circuit is closed.

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Competitions are closed for the current series.

Why is Aqua's hair blue?

Aqua's character represents the sea, hence the name "Aqua". She was given an element to represent, like all main characters in the series. Because of her relation to water, her hair was most likely chosen to be blue by Tetsuya Nomura. (Character Creator/Designer for the series)

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Most likely the Harry Potter series.

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A series of bits is actually a lot of data sent though the computer to little information holds on a disk or something that stores data. The bits can be comprised of anything from keystrokes to pictures to movies and music.