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It sounds like the a in hat, rat, bat or flat.

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5h ago

A short "a" sound is pronounced as the vowel sound in words like "cat," "bat," and "hat." It is a quick, crisp sound made by opening the mouth slightly while keeping the tongue in a neutral position.

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No, catch does not have a short "a" sound. It is pronounced with a short "a" sound followed by a "ch" sound, like "kætch".

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No, ants do not have a short "a" sound. The "a" in ants is pronounced with a short "æ" sound, like in the word "cat."

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Is the word a in a long or short a?

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Is the A in the word What long or short?

The "a" in the word "what" actually has a short "u" sound, like "hut". It does not have either a short "a" (like "hat") or long "a" sound (like "hate").

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