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Q: What does a squid mantle do?
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What is a mantle on a cephalopod?

The mantle of a squid is to cover and protect the squid's body.

What is a mantle and what is it used for on a squid?

Well, the mantle is esentiallly the head, and body, of the squid. It has all the organs and on the bottom is the beak.

What does the squids mantle do?

The mantle of a squid is to cover and protect the squid's body.

What is the respiration of a squid?

Squid respire via the mantle; water is pulled in, pushed across the gills, and then expelled via the exhalent siphon of the mantle.

Where is the mantle located on the squid?

on the outside of the body

Foot of a squid?

The foot of the squid is it's tentacles, it enables the squid to move very very very very very very very fast. The foot is also the mantle of the squid (the mantle is a thick layer of tissues {muscle} all mollusks use to protect their guts). In this case the squid uses it's mantle to run away from predators (swim away).

What is the gladius of a squid?

It's the cartilage in it's mantle that helps the mantle from not tipping over.

Why does a squid need a collar on its mantle?

it helps it poop

Where is the mantle and fin located on a squid?

somewhere on the body

What is the cone shaped outer portion of a squid called?

the mantle

What covers the soft internal organs of a squid?

the mantle? i think.

How can you tell if is a squid male or a female?

A squid is a male if it has a small penis just posterior and lateral to the gill heart. A squid is a female if it has eggs in the gonad, located in the mantle. These eggs are produces in the ovary, which extends posteriorly from the gill hearts to the posterior tip of the mantle. Hope this helps!