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How hot it is.

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3w ago

A star's color indicates its temperature. Hotter stars emit more blue light and appear blue or white, while cooler stars emit more red light and appear red or orange. By studying a star's color, astronomers can determine its temperature and infer other properties like its age and size.

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Q: What does a star's color tell you about that star?
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What do the color of the stars mean?

Star colors tell us how hot the star is. For example a red colored star is cool and a blue colored star is hot.

What reveals the stars temperature?

The color of a star reveals its temperature. Blue stars are hotter than red stars, with temperatures ranging from about 10,000 K to 40,000 K and higher for the most massive stars.

How do scientists tell if a star is warm or cold?

Scientists determine a star's temperature by analyzing its spectrum of light. The color and intensity of certain lines in a star's spectrum reveal its temperature. Hotter stars appear blue or white, while cooler stars appear red.

Why does the colour of the stars tell you about it?

The color of a star can provide information about its temperature and age. Hotter stars appear blue or white, while cooler stars appear orange or red. This color can help astronomers determine the star's stage in its life cycle and characteristics like size and brightness.

What is important about the color of the stars?

the color of the stars usually determines how old and how hot the star is it can also determine when the star will go supernova

What determines color of the stars?

The temperature determines the color of the star!:)

What are the temperature and brightness of stars indicated by?

The temperature of a star is indicated by its color, with blue stars being hotter than red stars. The brightness of a star is indicated by its apparent magnitude, with lower numbers representing brighter stars.

How do stars get there color?

The color of a star is determined by its surface temperature. Hotter stars appear blue or white, while cooler stars appear red. This is due to the different wavelengths of light emitted based on the star's temperature.

How can you tell how old a star is?

In star lives, there are no old blue stars. All blues stars are young.

How do you tell a black star rooster from a hen when they're chicks?

A Black Star rooster has a white dot on its head, where the females do not. Black Stars as sex-link chickens meaning you can tell their sex by their color once hatched.

What color is gliese?

Gliese does not have a specific color as it is a designation for a star within the Gliese catalog of nearby stars. The color of a star is determined by its temperature, with hotter stars appearing bluer and cooler stars appearing redder.

The color of the star can be indication of the?

The star's temperature. The more blue the star is the hotter it is. Pure blue stars get up to around 18,000 k. The more red the star is the cooler it is. Pure red stars can get up to around 2,500 k. White, yellowish color stars are in the middle.