

What does a tornado do to stuff?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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13y ago

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A tornado wrecks things and sometimes tears down houses.

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Q: What does a tornado do to stuff?
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What happens to the stuff a tornado picks up after it dies?

The debris will be dropped wherever the tornado looses the power to hold it.

What happens to the stuff in a tornado when the tornado stops?

If you mean the debris being carried by a tornado, if it hasn't already been thrown out of the tornado it simply gets dropped to the ground once the tornado is no longer strong enough to carry it.

When a tornado hits where does the things in the air go?

What goes up, must come down. The tornado simply carries stuff downwind and deposits them.

How is a tornado considered a catastrophic event?

cause it destroys stuff and it's nature

What will happen if there is a fire tornado?

people will die if they touch the fire tornado. Alot of stuff will burn i saw it recently in russia,you know how distructive tornado is,imagine a fire tornado,he burn one 100 fields in very little time.

What happends to the stuff that goes in the tornado?

The stuff that a tornado picks up gets carried some distance then dropped back down. Some light objects such as pieces of paper may be carried hundreds of miles by upper level winds.

What damages can thunderstorms cause?

it can cause many natural disasters, namely set fire to stuff, destroy property and stuff like tornado damage

How do tornadoes pick stuff up?

Air in a tornado move upward rapidly and can carry objects with it.

Does tornado carry stuff?

Yes. Tornadoes often lift objects into the air and can carry them long distances.

What is tornado made of?

A tornado is basically just a vortex of wind. Often it produces a cloud of dirt and debris on the ground from the wind kicking stuff up and a condensation funnel from pulling in moist air.

What is el salvadors land like?

a tornado storm and disatering stuff happening down here] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ yae babe

What is land like in el salvador?

a tornado storm and disatering stuff happening down here] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ yae babe