

What does a tui egg look like?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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it looks like a piece of your own dump :) wouldnt u love to see that sight when u sit on the toilet seat and look down and see a tui poo run down.

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What does the tui look like?

A Tui is a kind of bird. Its plural is simply Tui. A Tui is almost completely black except under its neck. A small tuft of white feathers are placed under the Tui's neck. Tui are considered intelligent, just like the parrot. They also resemble parrots because of their ability to clearly imitate humans. Watching a Tui sing, one can observe gaps in the sound when the beak is agape and throat tufts throbbing. Tui will also sing at night, especially around the full moon period. Nectar is the normal diet but fruit and insects are frequently eaten, and pollen and seeds more occasionally. Particularly popular is the New Zealand flax, whose nectar sometimes ferments, resulting in the Tui flying in a fashion that suggests that they might be drunk